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Discover diverse cuisines of the world with MAKFA

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MAKFA has received the Superior Taste Award

MAKFA is gaining international recognition again. Find out more on the page dedicated to this achievement.

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MAKFA - a record holder of the Guinness Book

Video about how MAKFA became a record holder

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Making food healthy and looking delicious is the challenge faced by modern cuisine. Moreover, bowl meals do it perfectly, combining a balanced blend of nutrients and incredible attractiveness. Treating yourself to such food is a real pleasure.

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A new way to make pasta healthier

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Dmitry Basov chef of RADISSON BLU HOTEL

We showcased MAKFA pasta at the Gourmet Young Master Chefs international contest in Hong Kong in 2017 and were highly ranked by the panel, tapped into the top five. Tomato spaghetti were good both with Parmesan cheese and mushroom dressing. MAKFA pasta is a product with consistently top quality and authentic taste, it is always in my kitchen!

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Christophe Ardouin chef of the US Embassy in Tokyo

I helped MAKFA brand at several international exhibitions - in Tokyo and Shanghai. We made a cooking show and changed the meals to taste local by adding spices and ingredients of different countries to MAKFA products. During a couple of show days, we managed to treat more than one thousand guests! MAKFA foods are universal and healthy, it’s my choice!