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Chicken in Orange Marinade with Buckwheat

Chicken in Orange Marinade with Buckwheat
4–6 servings

3 cloves of garlic

3 oranges

5 tbsp of vegetable oil

1 chicken

2 eggplants

500 g of packaged Makfa buckwheat

1/2 tsp of freshly ground black pepper


55 minutes (+3 hours for marinating the chicken)


Additional properties For kids


1. Peel the garlic and mince it. Grate the zest off two oranges, juice all three of the oranges. Combine the garlic, the juice and the zest, the vegetable oil, salt and pepper in a bowl.

2. Cut the chicken into large pieces, place them in a packet, pour over with the marinade and refrigerate for 3 minutes.

3. Heat theoven to180 °С. Cut the eggplants into circles and place them on the baking sheet. Add the chicken on top. Cover with the marinade and bake for 35-40 minutes.

4. Add water and salt to the buckwheat, and cook for 15-20 minutes until the buckwheat is ready.

5. Place the buckwheat on the plate, ladle the eggplants on top, then add the chicken and serve.

Cuisine Middle East cuisine
Dish type Entrees