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I agree150 g of packaged white round Makfa rice
50 g of dried apricot
50 g of large raisins
1 orange
2 sprigs of rosemary
1 chicken (800 g - 1 kg)
2 tbsp of honey
2 tbsp of soft butter
1 small red chili pepper
1 hour 20 mins
Additional properties
For kids
1. Cook the rice until half-done, for 10-12 minutes.
2. Dice the dry apricots, mix with the raisins. Peel the orange, remove all white films, cube 3/4 of the orange, and squeeze the juice from the rest. Add the orange to the dried fruit and the rice, then add leaves of rosemary and a pinch of salt.
3. Wash and dry the chicken. Fill the chicken with the rice, and pinch together with wet toothpicks.
4. Add the orange juice to the warm honey and the melted butter. Add thinly sliced chili pepper and mix again. Use a brush to baste the chicken with the mixture.
5. Bake in an oven at 170°C for 50 minutes. Serve.
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