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I agree500 g of dried Makfa peas
a pinch of sugar
1 large onion
4 tbsp of Makfa semolina
2 eggs
200 g of cooked forest mushrooms
vegetable oil
40 g of bread crumbs
Sour cream or mushroom sauce (optional)
A handful of corn lettuce leaves for presentation
2 hours 10 minutes
Additional properties
For kids
1. Cover the peas with water, allowing for 1-1.5 cm of water above the peas, bring to a boil, remove foam, add salt. Add a pinch of sugar, finely chopped onion (keep one handful of onion for the mushrooms) and cook for some 1 - 1 1/2 hours until ready, stirring occasionally. If the water should evaporate too fast, add more water.
2. While mixing the peas rigorously, gradually add the semolina. In the end you should get a practically homogeneous mixture with a few pea bits here and there. Add the eggs, and mix again until homogeneous. Let cool.
3. Fry the mushrooms with the remaining onions with some vegetable oil. Add salt and pepper and mince the mixture in the grinding machine with a coarse screen.
4. Form round flat cakes out of the pea mixture, place the mushroom filling in the center, and pinch together the edges.
5. Roll the zrazas in bread crumbs and fry in oil 3-4 minutes on each side until golden.
6. Serve with corn lettuce leaves, sour cream or mushroom sauce (optional).
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